Monday 19 January 2009

Storms and safe landing

Not sure if I can load up the text I have stored on a flashstick. Seems not.
We have arrived in la Coruna 24 hours late due to horrendous storms - waves 40´high, winds of Gale Force 9 and 10, very little sleep. People falling over. Very very rough seas.
Our cabin is about 30´above the waterline but we have had huge waves drenching the window.
A bit scary sometime but cool Norwegian captain says the ship can take it.
Lots of waiters etc v polite.
Passengers very NICE.
Whole thing is like the 1950s - no trouble.
Will add more tomorrow.
Just wandering round city centre now in lightning storm and hailstones. Lovely architecture, galleried balconies.
Having an exciting time.
Will not reach Tangiers due to slow progress and more storms tomorrow. More tomorrow.


Maggie Ansell said...

Griselda ! Just to let you know that I've conquered my fear of computers enough to find my way into your blog this morning and have enjoyed it greatly so far (as well as the occasional comments from les autres !)

love to both you and the dh - Maggie

Maggie Ansell said...

Also managed to post the above comment - quite easy when determined to do it !

Have a lovey time . . . .


Maggie Ansell said...

Oooops ! I meant loveLy - but you can have both if you wish !